Monday, December 6, 2010


Believe....      December is the time you might see this word pop out all over the place, usually by itself. In fact, I have. When you see the words in a magazine, store or on TV advertisements what do you think they want us to believe?  They leave it blank, like you can believe what you want. What does it mean to you?  Someone suggested that they, the world...  really is trying to get us to believe in the special feeling that comes at this time of year. Everyone knows this feeling comes because of the goodness of heart from giving or in other words the Spirit of God, because everything good comes from God. Because we live in a politically correct world and in a world where it appears to be unacceptable to say the word God or speak of Jesus Christ as if it's a bad name even though it's the whole reason we are having this celebration, they can't really say it, because of offending somebody. So, to say it correctly according to how I feel.  
I BELIEVE in Christ. He is the Son of God, the baby that was born in manger a couple of thousand years ago. He was born in humble circumstances. What makes this baby special? He came to show us the way, to teach us the way, to SAVE us, through the ultimate gift of sacrifice of the Atonement. He did it for each of us ever born and that will be born on this earth and many earths like this one.  He is the reason for this Christmas season, there is no other reason. Everything else is superficial. "He is my King! With all my heart to him I'll sing; I'll raise my voice in praise and joy. He healed the sick the dead he raised. Good works were his. He ransoms me, from Satan's grasp, he sets me free. And I shall live with joy and love. I'll gain my fondest dream; He is the source of truth and light. And while I strive through grief and pain, His voice is heard: Cheering me on "Ye shall obtain."  Jesus is my Savior, Lord, Brother and Truest Friend. I do believe in Him with all my heart and might. I BELIEVE in CHRIST

I would like you to listen to this song of what Christmas is about or not about. Click on the link below.

Christmas Must Be Something More  I think you will hear someone familiar singing this song.

1 comment:

  1. This post was inspired by my Relief Society President and wonderful lesson she gave on Sunday and by those who commented.


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